Code Reform

Loading JSON files with SystemJS module loader

I really hate this mess on JavaScript modules. We have AMD, CommonJS or UMD to support both. Then ES6 came into the game. But what about .json files on browser? There are different ways to load the...

Watch NUnit tests in .NET Core

In this post I am going to talk about writing unit tests in .NET Core with NUnit andwatch them for changes, re-running the test suite again, on the fly. Something you can have with NCrunch, but .NE...

Unit test code with Jasmine and code coverage with Karma coverage using Istanbul

Karma is an awesome testing environment, it is open source, it supports a plethora of testing frameworks and it is easy to use. In this post I am going to create some simple tests, run them on Karm...

Unit testing and code coverage for ASP.NET Web API (2/2)

This post continues onUnit testing and code coverage for ASP.NET Web API (1/2). Much about the topic isinspired from the truly magnificent book "The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional ...

Unit testing and code coverage for ASP.NET Web API (1/2)

This is the second post in the series on Web API. Topic is TDD and code coverage, so I am going to demonstrate how to unit test your core code, as well as the API code and in the end, how to measur...

Using OWIN to self-host Web API and secure endpoints

In this post we are going to talk a little bit about OWIN. What is it, how can we use it with ASP.NET Web API to expose API endpoints, as well as how to secure those endpoints. The application uses...

Mocking a class dependency which casts into a derived type using Moq

Let's say we have the following, one class named Implementor which has an IParentInterface dependency. In method DoWork ofthe class, we call the interface's method, but we also call another method,...

AngularJS with Typescript and SystemJS

In this post we are going to talk about AngularJS, Typescript, SystemJS. Also, we are going towork with typings definitions as well as SystemJS JSON plugin to load JSON configuration in front end c...

Angular2 from Scratch - Getting to know Angular2

In this post, we are going to focus on some pretty basic stuff, like setting up the application and getting it working. Posts will become more advanced during the series progress. Feedback i...