Structs and the in keyword in C# Since the release of 7.0 version for C#, we’ve seen many small, yet useful features added to the language, aiming to aid developers, directly or indirectly. A new ...
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Structs and the in keyword in C#

Learning data structures - Arrays in C#
This is the first post in the series on Learning data structures. What this series aims is to provide basic knowledge on some popular data structures and their algorithms, their use cases and how s...
ASP.NET Core 2.0 Authentication with Azure Active Directory B2C
In today's post of ASP.NET Core 2.0 Authentication series, I am going to discuss about Azure Active Directory B2C, a service provided by Microsoft Azure for identity access and management. In previ...
ASP.NET Core 2.0 Authentication with Azure Active Directory
In previous posts of this series, ASP.NET Core 2.0 Authentication, I talked about local logins, where you have your own identity management solution and also social logins, where you work with soci...
Learning React - Managing state with React Redux
Designing your application using a component-based architecture is a first step towards a nice decoupled design. But with great power comes great complexity! Components might need to interact in di...
Learning React - Components and state
Components are small, isolated and reusable units of work that make up a piece of a user interface. Each component is independent, with emphasis in separation of concerns, having it's own business ...
Learning React - Hello World
Care to learn some React, build your own application and become from zero to hero in just some few steps? Well, you are in the right place, this blog post is all about learning how to setup your en...
ASP.NET Core 2.0 Authentication with social logins - Implementing a profile store
This post is part of a series on ASP.NET Core Authentication and I am going to talk about sign-in via social providers and how to maintain a profile store. TL;DR You can find the source code outli...
ASP.NET Core 2.1 Authentication with social logins
This post is part of a series on ASP.NET Core 2.0 Authentication and I am going to talk about sign-in via social or third-party providers like Facebook, Twitter or GitHub. Application In this post...
Setup .NET Core 2.1 project and test with XUnit on Linux VM
Working with .NET Core is so much fun, but it can be a little bit tricky sometimes, unit test projects with XUnit, how am I supposed to run the tests from CLI using .NET Core 2.1 runtime? In this p...